
Functional Python: map - 05/02/2023

Learn the functional arsenal of python

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Functional Python: map

[Enigma Bits


Enigma Bits



5 min read·Feb 5, 2023



In this series, I will explore some of built-in functions, namely map, zip, filter, and reduce. These functions provide a concise and readable way to perform operations on iterables and are widely used. In this series, we will take a deep dive into these functions and learn how to use them effectively in your code.

In addition to exploring the basics of these functions, I will also go through advanced topics such as optimization tips, common use cases, and limitations. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced Python developer, this series will provide valuable insights into these functions and help you write more efficient and readable code. So, let’s get started and learn how to master the power of map, zip, filter, and reduce in Python.

This post will cover the map.

The basics: syntax & functionality


As the name suggests, it maps something to something. What in particular?

map(func, iter)

What map will do is that, it will map each item of iter to the function func as an argument & saves the result to new iter_obj conserving the order.

Say you have list of integers and have to square it. You can do

nums = \[...\] # specimen/input  
squared\_nums = list(map(lambda x: x\*\*x, nums))

If map wasn’t used, you should have done this,

nums = \[...\] # specimen/input  
squared\_nums = \[\]  
for n in nums:  

See? map makes it easy to mentally apprehend. But, map comes with a cost, read the limitations section.

If by any chance you don’t know what lambda is then you should learn it right now, it is a magical shortcut tool in python. Learn more 👇


Advanced Python: The lambda

Have you ever come across the keyword, lambda in python? did you know its quickie but ain’t shorty 🤯



Step by Step analysis

  1. nums = [1,3,5,7]
  2. if map(lambda x: x**x, nums) is executed…

map creates a generator and when yielded produces results. It undertakes following steps for each yield by list() call.

  1. nums = [1,3,5,7] --> 1 ==> 1 ** 1 = 1 ==> squared_nums = [1,]
  2. nums = [3,5,7] --> 3 ==> 3 ** 3 = 9 ==> squared_nums = [1,9]
  3. nums = [5,7] --> 5 ==> 5 ** 5 = 25 ==> squared_nums = [1, 9, 25]
  4. nums = [7] --> 7 ==> 7 ** 7 = 49 ==> squared_nums = [1,9, 25, 49]

Get it, 😊? If not let me know in the comment.

The behavior of map

When you execute an expression with map it doesn’t just do it right away. It returns a map object, a generator. Thing about generator is they are lazy by nature. Unless you yield one by one, nothing happens.

An Example

Let tempt_f be list of real numbers representing temperature reading of sensors in your warehouse. You are tasked to get reading in real-time and send it to internal agent in HQ. But the agent uses Celsius & sensors output in Fahrenheit. Pretty silly problem but this happens lot more than you imagine in the field. What are you going to do?

For a given time, take reading of all the sensors and in a loop convert them to Celsius and send them to HQ.

The normie way…

tempt\_f = \[...\] # somehow aggregated tempterature for a given moment  
tempt\_c = \[\]  
for t in tempt\_f:  
  tempt\_c.append((t - 32) \* (5/9))  
tempt\_c # send it to the destination somehow

Now the map way of doing it…

tempt\_f = \[...\] # somehow aggregated tempterature for a given moment  
tempt\_c = \[c for c in map(lambda f: (f-32)\*5/9, tempt\_f)\]  
tempt\_c # send it to the destination somehow

In case you didn’t understand the code, I used list comprehension and inline function in python. If you want to learn more, visit these posts 👇


Advanced Python: Comprehensions

Powerful one-liners for generators in python3



Advanced Python: The lambda

Have you ever come across the keyword, lambda in python? did you know its quickie but ain’t shorty 🤯



Some common examples turned to map.

Square roots

from math import sqrt  
from random import randint  
start = randint(2003,2007)  
stop = randint(4567,7890)  
\# the map  
sqrts = map(sqrt, range(start, end))  
\# now sqrt can be yielded as per needed


from math import factorial  
from random import randint  
n = randint(19, 2003) # somewhat intensive computations  
\# the map  
factos = map(factorial, range(n+1))  
\# now yield factos as needed 🆒

Watermarking images in a directory

def watermark(name):  
  global mark, isizex,isizey  
  # Open the base image  
  base\_image = Image.open(name)  
  # Create an ImageDraw object  
  idraw = ImageDraw.Draw(base\_image)  
  # Calculate the position of the watermark text  
  position = (base\_image.width - isizex - 10, base\_image.height - isizey - 10)  
  # Add the watermark text to the image  
  draw.text(position, mark, font=font, fill=(255, 255, 255, 128))  
  # Save the result  

def get_img_names(dir):
exts = “jpg.png.gif”.split(”.“)
return join(dir,f) for f in listdir(dir) if isfile(f) and (f[-3:-1] in exts)

from os import listdir  
from os.path import realdir, join, isfile  
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont  
\# Specify the font and font size  
font = ImageFont.truetype("arial.ttf", 36)  
\# watermark  
mark = "Birnadin E."  
\# Get the size of the watermark text  
isizex, isizey = draw.textsize(mark, font=font)  
\# utils  
def get\_img\_names(dir):  
  # ...  
def watermark(name):  
  # ...  
\# watermarking  
dir = "..." # dir that contains the images to be watermarked  
\_ = list(map(watermark, get\_img\_names(dir))

> In these examples `_map_` may be just replacing multiline `for` loop block, but `_map_`  may come in handy if you want to run these **concurrently.**

Concurrently watermarking images

import concurrent.futures  
\# other imports  
\# refer abover code blocks  
\# watermarking  
dir = "..."  
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:  
  \_ = list(executor.map(watermark, get\_img\_names(dir))  


It just throwing in some `executor` context object, nothing else though. But in conventional _for_ loop, you may have to think about **race conditions.** Or, never have I ever faced a problem in my 7 years of python. If I am wrong, please let me know in the comments, I don’t want to die thinking wrong.

You can do the same with other examples too, just change the `executor.map(...)` part with usual `map(...)` part; that’s it!


`map` unfortunately is not the pinnacle way always. Here are some limitations of `map`: -

*   Memory footprint is high when dealt with large data.
*   Performance degrades if large data is processed.
*   Can be used only once!

first list() exhausted the map object!

*   Can **only** work with _iterables_ and first argument should be _callable. i_._e_. no _methods_ 😳
*   If multiple iterables are given, then same length should they be!
*   `map` object is immutable, so once created then if given data changes, the `map` will produce invalid/unpredictable results.
*   **Mostly** slower than primitive loops when using _large datasets._

> If you know more limitations, please let me know in the comments or reply on the tweet.


With these being said, I conclude this post, add see you in the next, in which let's learn the `zip`.

If you are intrigued or interested in this kind of stuff, make sure you follow me on [**Medium**](https://medium.com/@birnadin) or [**Twitter**](https://twitter.com/birnadin)**.**

Till then, _it’s_ **_me the BE,_** _signing off 👋_

Cover by **Ylanite Koppens.**